It's a big universe,
so work on big ideas.


A lightbulb Moment

Vehicles are a complex collection of microcontrollers, sensors, and other components. At Tesla, Caleb worked on the code that made sure the headlights, vehicle controllers, and other body components worked flawlessly together every time.

our universe, Explained

What do movie stars, NASA scientists, and elementary school students all have in common? Caleb guides them and thousands of others through the universe at the Morrison Planetarium.

It is rocket science

Or close to it, anyways. At LLNL, Caleb worked for the U.S. Department of Energy on the software that simulates rocket components and other material interactions.

Better Software for Your Doctor

At KP, Caleb researched network security and machine learning applications and presented his team's findings to CIO Dick Daniels and hundreds of KP employees.

Pack your bags for Tech Camp

From virtual reality game design to home-made raspberry pi personal assistants, Camp Director Caleb inspired a love for technolgy in hundreds of campers as he led a team of 5 instructors at Planet Bravo.

Welcome to Office Hours

As a student instructor and teacher's assistant for the Machine Assembly Language class at SDSU, Caleb led review sessions, graded programs, and tutored the over 400 students professionally.


M.S. Software Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University

NASA Ames Reaserch Center Campus

B.S. Computer Science
Astronomy Minor

San Diego State University
Brigham Young University

Full Tuition Academic Scholarship

Associate of Science
Snow College

Summa Cum Laude

Materials Simulation

At Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Caleb built Python-based materials simulation software for the U.S. Departments of Energy and Defense. At the end of the summer, he started a competitive school-year position. He was promoted to serve as design lead on a new materials simulation project and worked with a team to build a new module from the ground up.

A SpaceX rocket launching a satellite designed at LLNL.
The official Tesla Light Show Caleb sequenced.

Lighting, Vehicle Controls

At Tesla, Caleb wrote Python code to simulate vehicles and validate the code that controlled their headlights and other exterior components. He dug deep into the c firmware source code to fix unexpected behavior and extended Python simulation software to ensure future bugs were caught before being pushed to millions of cars. He also sequenced, validated, and helped pitch to CEO Elon Musk the Tesla Light Show—an Easter Egg that has been played by millions of customers and viewed hundreds of millions of times on social media.

Planetarium Presentor

At the California Academy of Sciences, Caleb writes and delivers planetarium shows on cutting edge Astronomy to over a thousand guests a day. With his passion for the field and experience in public speaking, he engages everyone from school students to movie stars and even NASA scientists alike with his witty humor and cosmic insights!

The Morrison Planetarium where Caleb presents shows.


As the President of the Schwartz Astronomical Society, Caleb organized colloquiums featuring astronomers from accross the world, led star-gazing expeditions, trips to observatories, faculty research lectures, and promoted scientific literacy at SDSU. He also spear-headed the student-led Radio Telescope Project.

Exoplanet Discovery

Caleb is a coauthor on the paper detailing the discovery of the new circumbinary exoplanet TIC 172900988. He served as a data analyst on the research team and created three of the figures featured in the paper that was later published in the American Astronomical Society Journals. Read the paper here: TIC 172900988: A Transiting Circumbinary Planet Detected in One Sector of TESS Data. Caleb reasearched for Dr. William Welsh in the exoplanet group at San Diego State University for the same team that discovered or contributed to the discovery of all 14 currently known circumbinary planets.

An interactive figure created by Caleb while researching. Data from NASA exoplanet archive.

Radio Telescope Project

Caleb served as technical lead for the student-led Radio Telescope Project at SDSU. With a Raspberry Pi, a radio receiver and some Python code, the team was able to revive the telescope for student research.

Healthcare Software

At Kaiser Permanente, Caleb presented to CIO Dick Daniels, executives, and hundreds of employees on three occations: first on implementing ”zero trust” adaptive security for KP's 200,000 employees, then on where machine learning algorithms could be implemented at KP, and finally Caleb presented his team of developers' project at the joint KP - Amazon Alexa hackathon to KP and Amazon executives.

Camp Director

At Planet Bravo "Technotainment" camp, Caleb led a team of 5 instructors to inspire a love for science and technology in hundreds of students. His favorite and most unexpected day on the job occured when, on "dress up as a super hero" day, a student came dressed in camp swag with a "Mr. Caleb" name tag.

Competitions and Awards

Amazon AWS Voice Challenge 2019
Big Data Hackathon 2019
SDSU Slashathon

BYU Greer Competition (Placed 2nd of 40)
Two-Time State Champion in Impromptu Speaking
State Champion in Lincoln Douglas Debate
2nd Place in Humorous at Stanford National Tournament
Phi Rho Pi National Tournament Qualifier and Competitor